Secret of soul and spirituality

Life is struggle of all. Because all don't knowledge him physically body and soul. But spiritual teacher and some people knowleges of physically body and soul body.                         What's important purpose or aim of all human of life in this universe? What's you think?                       
   I think all human main purpose of life dont  only enjoy but main aim of get  self and completely awareness of self soul. One way of self known is meditation.           
Then you will received message of LORD, and awereness,self known. Self knowledge and awareness is not other method, yoga, medically mind of human treatment. Only one way is done meditate self and happyness. Various methods of meditation and you meditate.human life are very complected compare to other animal, planet, trees life. I think,  all humans should be mind tension freedom for us work and do  the meditation per day one hours is important of human. Because life line is small it's human body. That is, I should be says all human category this time when  you will get self him  then will freedom of mind tension , understand of death, understand of this universe,and really requested, prayer to Lord, God other spiritual teachers. Are you know what is power of human in spiritually? That's really is actual power of human in spiritually is ''SELF MEDITATION" and will be self awareness.about further self position.
you should be body mechanism before .Then you wlll understand spirituality and  body soul and self . Read my next version ' secret of human body mechanism,

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 Answer =  Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was an Indian spiritual leader and teacher who gained popularity in the 1970s and 198...