Secret of body mechanism

The human body the structure of a human being. The study of the human body involve anatomy, physiology, histology and embrology. The body varies anatomical is know ways.physiology focus the system and organ of the human body and their  function. What makes humans so special ? Yet it should over, our bodies are extraordinary, hairless, up right and with many peculiar feathers realated in intelligence, including an oversized head, and that is just start. Our bodies may seem feathers when compared to othorganisation, but in an animal olampics no could challenge for stress in two sports.                                 
          The body - Your curious behaviours - ever wondered why yowns are cantegious,you can't tickle yourself and we don't speak from our bottom ?     
                                                                   It takes  all shapes and sizes - Human body has changed hugaly over decades as well as over millenni, so, why do vary so much, and how ve evolve?                                                             You have got to hand it to the hand - There are clues to everything from personality and health to our evolutionary history in our distinctive paws.                                                                The body - can you eat yourself to death - want happens when you take. all you can eat, all too literally and how do competetive eaters stretch the limit of their stomachs.                           Body odour - Your nose know morebthan you think your distinctive smell holds clues about your health, diet and even personality whats notbto like.         
                                                            Skin wild Life - The great skin safari - The Savannah of human skin is an ecosystem as exotic as any on earth. Rowan Hooper said and guide for you on a fantastical tour of its terrifying and exotic.

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 Answer =  Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was an Indian spiritual leader and teacher who gained popularity in the 1970s and 198...