The Body -- Who own the bits you leave behind -- From sweat and hair to is not and urine, we constantly shed bodily bits, is this detritus still park of us, and what does that mean legally, The continuum of you - From the top of your head to the soles of your feet, you have an amazing ability to regenerate, The hair The hair on your head could be anything up to 6 to 7 years old. Each day your head hairs grow 0.5 mm,.
Body hair grow more slowly, about 0.27 mm per day, Cell in me brains cortey are not renewed and are as old as you ars, although there is evidence for continuous regeneration in me hippocampus.
Eyes Coins -cells in the retina do not regenerable, which is why vision problems arise with age. However stem ell treatments are beginning target degenerating ratinas research have managed to regenerate rods, the photo receptors mat capture dim light. But only in a petridish, so, far the surface of the skin is replaced every couple of walks,
skin coils regenerate four times faster after a gentle injury, like ripping the top layer win ticky tape. Damaged nurve cells can regrow to some extent, is long as the nurve cell body is intact,. The rate of nurve regeneration after injury is though to be around 2 to 3 mm per day. The average age of a fat cell is 10 years. Each year 10 percent of your fat cells are replaced.
Body hair grow more slowly, about 0.27 mm per day, Cell in me brains cortey are not renewed and are as old as you ars, although there is evidence for continuous regeneration in me hippocampus.
Eyes Coins -cells in the retina do not regenerable, which is why vision problems arise with age. However stem ell treatments are beginning target degenerating ratinas research have managed to regenerate rods, the photo receptors mat capture dim light. But only in a petridish, so, far the surface of the skin is replaced every couple of walks,
skin coils regenerate four times faster after a gentle injury, like ripping the top layer win ticky tape. Damaged nurve cells can regrow to some extent, is long as the nurve cell body is intact,. The rate of nurve regeneration after injury is though to be around 2 to 3 mm per day. The average age of a fat cell is 10 years. Each year 10 percent of your fat cells are replaced.
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